Annapurna base camp trek package

Annapurna base camp trek package

Annapurna base camp trek package is one of the most exciting adventure treks in Nepal. Annapurna base camp trekking package explore the Fishtail base camp & Annapurna base camp hiking  route with beautiful mountain vistas of  whole Annapurna trekking routes.  Hiking through Annapurna conservation Area discover with flora, Fauna , wild animals, four different type of Rhododendrons, natural hot spring and Grurung settlements of Nepal.  Ghandrung village is another major attractions of  this trek and their warm hospitality make your trip more enjoyable . Annapurna trek package cost is depend on the group size and choice of the packages include the  Annapurna Ghorepani poon hill trek route. Autumn – September , October , November , December & Spring – March, April , May are best months treks in Annapurna base camp but trekkers may join whole year for this trip.

Annapurna sanctuary trek packages itinerary generate differently it means pokhara drive to Phedi via Dhampus trek to ABC, Pokhara drive to Naypul via Ghandrung village trekking to Annapurna base camp  & Pokhara dive to Nayapul via Ghorepani poon hill trek to Annapurna base camp .  Now a days 7 days express Annapurna base camp hiking also possible Pokhara direct drive to New bridge then heading to Annapurna base camp also possible. All options Annapurna base camp package trekking fit for all age group trekkers but average level physical fitness is essential.  Personal trekking equipments it means  Trekking in Annapurna base camp  packing list need to bring from the country or trekkers may rent the trekking gears in Kathmandu too. If you surfing in the internet thousand of Nepal trekking operators website display at once but need to know about their service before book the trip. 

Annapurna base camp hike information may obtain Lonely planet Nepal travel guide book or trekkers get all the information from Nepal trekking companies.  Professional Nepal trekking guide might be wise take in relevant areas due to the snowfall even autumn and spring season. Trekking in Annapurna sanctuary  is an amazing hike through the  diverse landscape  beautiful terraced field  and Annapurna conservation area take the travelers two beautiful mountain base camp of Nepal. Nepal ABC trek is lifetime memorable trip without Nepal domestic flights. suggested all the travelers for trek through government registered local Nepal travel company recommended by Lonely planet Nepal travel guide book for the secured journeys in Himalaya.  


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