Gokyo Everest base camp trek

Gokyo Everest base camp trek

Gokyo Everest base camp trek via Gokyo lake is really exciting trekking tour in Nepal. Gokyo Everest base camp trekking explore the beautiful Gokyo valley , Gokyo Ri and Mt. Everest base camp hiking route with best mountains vistas of Mount Everest 8848 m , Mount Lhotse 8516 m, Mount Makalu 8463 m , Mount Cho Oyu 8201 m  & 26 snowy capped trekking peaks of Everest region. Gokyo  Cho la pass trek is the route parts with the classic Everest Base Camp treks  heading west up the Dudh Koshi valley towards Gokyo Lakes and trek to Gokyo Ri 5360 m. Trekking  Everest base camp via Gokyo lake will take travelers the base camp of the highest mountain on the planet. Gokyo  Cho la pass EBC trek  is an adventurous trekking route that is suitable for mid-experienced trekkers but good physical fitness is essential. Minimum two week holidays required for Gokyo EBC trek. Autumn and spring season are best time treks in Gokyo  Everest base but doable around the year.

Gokyo Cho la pass Everest base camp trek follow through Ngozumpa Glacier and steep climb up to Gokyo lake – the beautiful Himalayan lake in Nepal. Gokyo Cho La pass Everest base camp trekking is challenging trekking in Everest region thus trekkers should know Gokyo Everest base camp information before heading in relevant areas.  Gokyo Ri 5360 m,  Cho La pass 5420m,  Everest base camp 5363 m and Kala pathar 5545 m are major attraction of this trekking tour.  Gokyo lake Everest  trek package doable without cho la pass also possible if trekkers want to go just normal hike.  Professional Nepal trekking guide is essential trekking in Gokyo Everest base camp due to the snowfall at Cho La pass & Goko Ri. Gokyo Everest base camp trek cost is depend on group size and choice of trekking packages but individual also doable this trip as per requirements. Gokyo Cho la pass Everest base camp trek difficulty level is challenging but doable without previous hiking experience.

Cho La pass Everest base camp trekking commence from lukla Hilary airport after 35 minutes mountain flight from Kathmandu.  Hiking through  beautiful Sherpa settlements via Phakding Namche Bazaar , Dole,  Machharemo and eventually reach the Gokyo lakes .  Next morning hike to Gokyo Ri for superb Himalayan views of  Mount Everest in sloppy  style and other mountains of Everest trekking trails. Nepal trek guide continue led journeys via Cho la pass to Everest base camp  routes. After short refreshment at Gorakshep , continue hiking to Everest base camp , Wow you will really feel journeys of beyond the imagination. You will touch with  our own foot planet highest mountain base camp. Next morning hike to Kalaptthar – the  nearest view point center of Mt. Everest view. You will giant faces of top of the world , Nuptse , Pumori , Khumbu Ice fall and longest Himalayan glaciers of Nepal. Gokyo Everest base camp trip itinerary will generate as per trekkers’ holiday frame . suggested all the travelers for trek through government registered local Nepal travel company recommended by Lonely planet Nepal travel guide book for the secured journeys in Himalaya.  



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